A serendipitous girl-power explosion sets off in a hot minute when the truly beautiful forces of our new favorite musical artist, Ms. Laura Burhenn of The Mynabirds, us – the Dirty Girls – and the raddest baddest creative visionaries,  Cris & Tash of Heart of Cool, got together on a recent summer Saturday in Venice beach and winged a music video for The Mynabirds’ latest album, Lover’s Know.

The video was for a song called Wildfire, see an excerpt from the treatment we wrote.

‘Wildfire’ is what you have when you feel totally free. Wildfire is that “last summer before high school senior year or college” kind of feeling. It’s the rush you feel when you face your fears, or when you stand up for yourself or someone you love. It’s triumphant, it’s shooting off your first roman candle, it’s teenage wild abandon and it’s the lust for more when you’re near the end.

Wildfire is that feeling when you’re with your girlfriends who inspire you to live like there’s no tomorrow and do the things you fear the most. It’s burning into the night, it’s a raging bonfire, it’s crazy love.

WILDFIRE the video:
A gang of girlfriends and long lost sisters grow in numbers as they embark on a day of thrills and real life adventures. They encourage each other to do weird things, get in trouble, express what it means to live in the moment, live empowered, rule their world, and face their fears. Together or alone they are

They build a bonfire on the beach and skinny dip,
They rally motorcycles and ride,
They infiltrate a basket ball game on the venice boardwalk,
They ride a roller coaster,
They wheat paste in the night and create art
They dance and

There was about 10 of us on set the first-wave crew (Dirty Girls, Laura, hair and make-up and stylist). We shot a few scripted moments including the scene with our 11-year-old co-star who gets her rainbow sprinkled ice-cream knocked out of her hand by a hypothetical “Jerk”, and the scenes which introduce Laura as the “big sister mentor” and the Dirty Girls as the girl-gang/kinship/serendipity sisters/like kind, but as soon as we saw Cris’ sunshine-yellow Porsche turn down the alley we were all pretty confident that our day was about to go off-script. That’s when we started living the story, not just acting the story.

Cris and Tash were the second-wave babes, who not only were down for anything, but brought a whole new energy to the project that inspired all of us to once again BE what we stand for, not just say what we stand for; and that’s WILDFIRE. We impromptu choreographed a dance in the alley, we rode motorcycles, we vogued with the Porsche and we had a freakin’ blast!

The album Lover’s Know launched last week in conjunction with the video. You can see it here.

– Amber Willat, HOC Contributor