I received a really cool newsletter yesterday and it was much needed! Sometimes the best messages come when you least expect it. And this is just one of the theories of life.

Natural healing methods are the best thing going now for many people including myself, not that you even have to be physically sick to practice it. Natural practices have been known to not only heal people, but also change their daily way of living. Below are a few tips that were shared with me to help get ready for spring and do a bit of spring cleaning as we call it.


As we all know or find out in some crazy way HEALTH IS WEALTH and that is the bottom line, we must be conscious of what we not only eat and drink but what we take into our minds and spirits. Practicing these things in small ways can make a BIG difference and impact.

I hope you find the information useful in some way and be sure to share it with a friend. I, personally, use ELEVATE HERBS and know them to work! I literally shared it with every person I knew and they have had nothing but dynamic things to say about the shift it causes.


Dr.Seeta Narsai founder of ELEVATE herbs has done an amazing job with elevate and continues to ELEVATE others through this great product! I hope you all enjoy and remember the key is to have PEACE IN YOUR MIND & PEACE IN YOUR HEART!

Signing Off
-Tasha Bouè

Spring is here! Spring is the optimum season to detoxify and transform according to Ayurvedic Medicine. It’s the perfect time to let go, heal and make room for something new.  Be so be sure to open your windows and smudge sage to remove old energies in your office, home and mind-body.


  1. BRING YOUR AWARENESS TO YOUR DIGESTION. You are not just what you eat, you are also what you digest.  As the sun grows in strength in spring, the metabolic sun grows inside you, starting to heat what was once dormant. Accumulated kapha from winter will then liquefy in your body and hinder the power of digestion and metabolism. Digestion naturally lowers in spring, so assist your metabolism by consuming digestive spices and practicing breath of fire pranayama. Spices that benefit this season are fennel, cardamom, cinnamon, and coriander. For stubborn weight or low agni (digestive fire) try Digest Tea from Elevate Herbs.
  1. CLEANSE YOUR MIND-BODY. Do a mini cleanse like a 3-Day Ayurvedic Kichedri Cleanse (free recipe here). Sip on detoxifying teas for 7-14 days to support cleansing. Tranquil Beauty in PM or throughout the day will calm stress, reduce inflammation while detoxifying the liver and skin.

    For deeper detoxification, please contact our office. info@ayurvedichealingtherapy.com

  1. SINUS & HEAD DETOX (NASYA). Optimal brain function is everything. The nose is the gateway to the brain; opening and cleansing the channels of the head, enhances mental clarity and encourages optimal cognitive function. The routine of cleansing your sinus cavities & head is an Ayurvedic practice recommended in spring season to clear mucous/phlegm which naturally accumulates and blocks the flow of oxygen, prana (life-force), and creative energy.

    Other benefits:

  • Enhance Intuition
  • Improve prana (life-force) flow
  • Enhance cognitive function
  • Clear and optimal thinking
  • Increase memory
  • Clear sinus cavities
  • Encourage restful sleep
  • Ease seasonal allergies

    Learn more about Nasya here.

  1. SET INTENTIONS. Don’t forget to set BIG Intentions on the New Moon (April 7th) today.   The universal energy during this new moon will help you manifest what you want. Write down your intentions, goals and ‘wants’ and ask Creation to help you actualize them.

    What do you want to manifest in your life? Better health? A loving relationship with someone or yourself? A new career?

  1. REVISIT YOUR GOALS. Spring is the perfect time to sow seeds, see what you have accomplished, and appreciate what is already blossoming. What goals are you setting? What goals have you accomplished?

    I recently launched a new conscious business venture ELEVATE HERBS this spring and am so excited to share these life-enhancing formulations!

  1. REDEFINE YOURSELF. Create a NEW you, and change the way you define yourself. Let go of old belief patterns and paradigms. Look into your life (thought process, personality, wardrobe, extracurricular) and allow your actions and self-definition to align with your souls mission.